Anil Dagia's NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Oct 2016, Mumbai

Some Facts About This Course
- More than 20 Batches Conducted across South Africa, Dubai & India
- Contents of this course have been approved by ICF for Coach Specific Training Hours
- Practical approach focused on every day situation usage rather than therapy based focus
- In-person classroom training with hands-on experiential learning

Skills You Will Develop
- Critical questioning
- Lateral thinking & Creativity
- Negotiation & Conflict resolution
- Emotional Intelligence
- Manage emotional states (self & others)
- Persuasive communication
- Develop the Success Attitude
- Precision goal setting
- Deductive observation skills (like the legendary Sherlock Holmes)
- Instantly connect with anyone & everyone
- Conversational leader
- Story telling
- Multi Dimensional problem solving
- Time management

Results You Can Expect
- Gain more social popularity
- More power in your public speaking
- Greater success in your profession
- Achieve results that were previously difficult
- Be more in control of your life
- More people start liking you & getting drawn to you
- Fulfillment in relationships
- Financial growth
- Greater happiness
- Healthier mind & body
- Confident attitude
- Overcome shyness & fears
- Develop new habits

Why Must You Bother To Get Certified As Practitioner of NLP?
Have you ever felt the need to get better at influencing & persuading? Where have you felt this need? In inter-personal relationships? In team management situations? In a leadership role? In sales / negotiation? In coaching / healing / curing your client? In a trainers role?

If you have to interact with other humans, then you MOST definitely need to continue sharpening your skills at influencing & persuading others.

Some of the best leaders & negotiators continually invest in themselves to become even better at what they are already good at. And if you are not as good as you would like (at these skills) - then you cannot not afford to invest in training yourself.

Read more about this on my blog - Click Here

Does NLP Work?
Have you ever asked or been asked this question – “Does NLP work”? Here is the answer – NLP does not work. In fact it is the opposite. What works – that is NLP. NLP is about finding out what works and then doing that.

Read more about this on my blog - Click Here

Upon successful completion of the NLP Practitioner certification course, you will be awarded Practitioner of NLP certificate, a professional NLP certificate with which you will be eligible to apply for a membership with ANLP (UK), the only umbrella organization that offers impartial & independent advice & supported by many internationally renowned innovators in NLP including Steve and Connirae Andreas, Judith DeLozier, Robert Dilts, Charles Faulkner, Steve Gilligan, Christina Hall, L Michael Hall, Tad James, Bill O`Hanlon, Frank Pucelik and Wyatt Woodsmall. This means that no matter where you go in the world, your certificate will be recognized by the appropriate NLP associations.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-10-2016 9:00 am
Event End Date 16-10-2016 6:00 pm
Cut off date 09-10-2016 11:55 pm
Individual Price Rs ₹69,000.00
Location Mumbai

Registration Closed!