Sometimes it may feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. And it is too heavy. And you reel under this burden trying to cope the best you can. And it seems to keep getting heavier.
Ask yourself objectively what is it that you gain by carrying this so called "burden"?
I receive a lot of questions about your journey as a coach in the ICF framework.
What are the steps?
What are the requirements?
What do I do? When do I do it?
How will I make money?
I have put together a short roadmap of your journey. Let me know if you have any questions.

Fear is that poison which works undetected. It's effect is so insidious that goes abut killing whatever gets in it's way and you don't even realize it. Fear gets you to cling on to things, and people and in the very clinging you push those away. Fear gets you to want control by force and control is what you lose. Fear provokes you to be angry, jealous, greedy. Fear makes you hurtful & mean, pushing people away.

Carl Jung defined "Shadow" as aspects of personality that your "ego" does not claim to be part of your self, the traits you do not want to own in yourself.

If you are reading this, I can make a guess that you have either already been in a relationship or are in one & at least started facing the hardships or you've never been in a relationship precisely because of the hardships involved.