Quit Your Job & Start Your Business

Take the plunge and experience Time & Money Freedom

Take the plunge and experience Time & Money Freedom

✅ Employees tired of the rat race and wanting to quit
✅ Former employees, Already quit to pursue your passion

Think About This...

Which of the following is true for you:

  • Overworked because of the demands placed by your boss(es)?
  • Tired of not having a life of your own?
  • Can't even get a leave or a vacation because your job "owns" you?
  • Plagued by uncertainty of the job market & environment?
  • Threatened by the climate of firing and lay-offs? Or already fired & tired of hunting for a job in an economy where employment rates are declining?
  • Unfulfilled and unhappy with the constant "politics" at work?
  • Searching for something more meaningful to do?
  • Thinking about quitting your job and starting your own business? Or already taken the plunge and floundering?
If 3 or more of the points from above are true for you, then you have surely thought of quitting your employment.

But before you jump in, you need to realize, there is a cost to not doing your homework...

If you have no experience of starting or running a business, if you don't even know where to start, if you are unprepared......, then any resistance from your family and friends is totally justified because consider the research backed statistics:

  • 20% of businesses fail in first year and another 13.33% fail in the second year. Which means you have a 33% chance of failing in the first two crucial years
  • 50% of businesses fail in five years
  • Only 33% of businesses survive after 10 years. This data takes into consider a large variety of small businesses.
  • In my own personal experience, when it comes to the business of coaching and training, I have found that 90% of people who start a coaching / training business without any preparation of business, without any business planning, without any business strategy - end up going back to a job within 6 to 9 months
  • And if you go back to a job, you forever sacrifice your dreams and aspirations and go back to a life of employment slavery, being unhappy, unfulfilled and disengaged

The key to your freedom lies in being prepared.

You have to prepare yourself to transform. You can no longer remain an employee who has the (false) security and (false) guarantee of a monthly salary. You have to become a Business Owner.

This Business Mastery Mentoring program is just right for you.

What does it mean to be a Business Owner...?

How is a being a Business Owner different?

As a business owner you become a strategist. What this means is that you work on the vision of your business, the layout and landscape of your business, the design of your business. Just like an architect works on and prepares a blueprint of his beautiful structure and then hands it off to the developer, similarly as a Business Owner you work on and prepare the blueprint of your business and hand it off to a competent team to build it and run it.

What does it take to be a Business Owner?

  • Psychological Mindset
    • Vision, clarity & certainty about your purpose, your business, your clients and potential clients
    • Absolute certainty in your own abilities to transform your life, and hence also transform the lives of many others
    • Reliance on your own ability to produce income on demand instead of relying on external environment & circumstances
  • Strategic Vision
    • Captured in Business Blueprint Designs & Business Patterns
    • Driven by results and not tasks
  • Financial Data Driven Business Decisions
    • 5 Critical Business Health Indicators for ongoing business success and growth
  • Marketing & Sales Mastery
    • Creating an Irresistible MAFIA offer
  • Copywriting
    • It is all about Power Messaging
  • Negotiations
    • It is all about the hustle

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Meet Anil Dagia

I am a well-recognized ICF credentialed coach (PCC), a strategic consultant and a trainer with long list of clients, and protégés who freely credit me for their upward growth in career and in life. As an established NLP Trainer. I am also an ICF credentialed mentor coach.

Meet Anil Dagia

Pathbreaking Leadership

I achieved global recognition when I got my NLP Practitioner/Master Practitioner Accredited by ICF in 2014. Many global leaders in the world of NLP recognized and acknowledged this as an unprecedented accomplishment not just for myself but for the world of NLP. Subsequently, this created a huge wave of followers around the globe, replicating the phenomenon. I have conducted trainings around the globe having trained/coached over 250,000 people across 19 nationalities.

Pathbreaking Leadership

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

I have been given the title of Unconventional, No Box Thinker and I am probably one of the most innovative NLP trainer. Over the course of my journey I have incorporated the best practices from coaching, behavioral economics, psycho-linguistics, philosophy, mainstream psychology, neuroscience & even from the ancient field of Tantra along with many more advanced methodologies & fields of study. You will find that my workshops & coaching will always include principles and meditation techniques from the field of Tantra leading to profound transformations.

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

Highly Acclaimed

- Interview published on Front Page in Times of India - Pune Times dated 18-Oct-2013, India's most widely read English newspaper with an average issue readership of 76.5 lakh (7.65 million) !!
- Interview published 27-Sep-2013 & a 2nd Interview published 10-Jul-2014 in Mid-Day, the most popular daily for the Young Urban Mobile Professionals across India
- Interview aired on Radio One 94.3 FM on 27-Nov-2013, the most popular FM radio station across India

Highly Acclaimed