Deepening Your Coaching Skills
Coaching Mastery Level 1

✅ Deepening your coaching skills
✅ Upgrade your ICF Credentials
✅ Renew your ICF Credentials

About This Training

Deepening your coaching skills - Mastering Level 1 - is a journey of embodying the methods & techniques you learned in your coach training program.

This will be a journey in which you will learn to seamlessly integrate the coaching skills knowledge you gained during your training, into a smooth and structured conversational flow that's natural and easy for you and your client.

Mastering The 'Flow'

Coaching is not just about the sum total collection of tools, techniques, methods and approaches. It is not a "if this, then that" type of diagnosis.

A good coaching session has a defined flow. Just like a dance has a flow, a rhythm, a continuity to it and within that flow the dance form has its steps. So also a coaching session has a flow within which the the skills you learned from your training are to be used. The steps by themselves will never become the flow. The flow is what allows the steps to become elegant.

To master the steps, you must first master the flow. And mastering the flow requires you to have a certain mindset, a set of characteristics. You must develop these characteristics and practise the flow. That's how you gain mastery.

This course is designed to help you gain mastery by developing the characteristics needed and practising the flow of coaching conversation.

*This A/V course is available in English language only.

*This course is part of my On Demand Learning series where you can set your pace of learning as per your convenience. It comprises of videos, assignments and quizzes to help you assimilate and test your learning.



6 hours


Coaching Mastery Level 1


15 Videos
+ 4 Assessment quiz
6 hours 10 minutes
On Demand Access


US$ 175


IN₹ 10,000+18% GST

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Meet Anil Dagia

I am a well-recognized ICF credentialed coach (PCC), a strategic consultant and a trainer with long list of clients, and protégés who freely credit me for their upward growth in career and in life. As an established NLP Trainer registered as trainer member with ANLP. I am also registered with ICF as a mentor coach.

Meet Anil Dagia

Pathbreaking Leadership

I achieved global recognition when I got my NLP Practitioner/Master Practitioner Accredited by ICF in 2014. Many global leaders in the world of NLP recognized and acknowledged this as an unprecedented accomplishment not just for myself but for the world of NLP. Subsequently, this created a huge wave of followers around the globe, replicating the phenomenon. I have conducted trainings around the globe having trained/coached over 100,000 people across 16 nationalities.

Pathbreaking Leadership

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

I have been given the title of Unconventional, No Box Thinker and I am probably one of the most innovative NLP trainer. Over the course of my journey I have incorporated the best practices from coaching, behavioral economics, psycho-linguistics, philosophy, mainstream psychology, neuroscience & even from the ancient field of Tantra along with many more advanced methodologies & fields of study. You will find that my workshops & coaching will always include principles and meditation techniques from the field of Tantra leading to profound transformations.

Unconventional, No Box Thinker

Highly Acclaimed

- Interview published on Front Page in Times of India - Pune Times dated 18-Oct-2013, India's most widely read English newspaper with an average issue readership of 76.5 lakh (7.65 million) !!
- Interview published 27-Sep-2013 & a 2nd Interview published 10-Jul-2014 in Mid-Day, the most popular daily for the Young Urban Mobile Professionals across India
- Interview aired on Radio One 94.3 FM on 27-Nov-2013, the most popular FM radio station across India

Highly Acclaimed